Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dolni Vestonice Venus (clear)

This is part of the prehistoric figurine project that I've been work on, very slowly, for a few years. I recreate prehistoric nonfunctional sculpture to reframe their context and material make-up, acknowledging the reinterpretation that happens when we look at and hypothesize about these art works.

These are my drafts to practice making the Dolni Vestonice Venus. The next two will also be in clear, until I'm ready to use limited amount of colored glass rods I have for a final version.

Apricots and Almonds

approx. quarter sized

These apricots and almonds are part of the ongoing project 'Ekel'. I use the bright colors and glossy glass surface to play with my own, and the larger community's, sense of nostalgia. 

Apricots are used in dishes like okra and stuffed grape leaves, adding a sweet and tangy flavor. Yum. 
Almond milk with crushed ice and almond pulp is a celebratory drink; my last encounter with it was at my brother's engagement party.